donnerstags, 16.15 Uhr, Seminarraum Mikrobiologie, Universitätsklinikum Bauteil D2 2.OG


17.07.2025 Dr. Hannes Vietzen tba
15.05.2025 Prof. Markus Meissner In Search of the Achilles Heel of Apicomplexan Parasites: Experimental Parasitology at LMU
10.04.2025 Prof. Josef Ecker tba
20.03.2025 Prof. Uwe Ritter Exploring Tissue Regeneration Processes through Advanced Imaging Technologies
13.03.2025 Prof. Bernd Lepenies C-type lectin receptors as targets for immune modulation during infections
27.02.2025 Dr. Mahesh Desai Leveraging diet to engineer the gut microbiome:
from mechanisms to translation
11.02.2025 Dr. Annika Claßen Viruses – our allies? Bacteriophage therapy in the 21st Century
14.11.2024 PD Dr. Christian Bauer IL-18 Receptor Signaling segulates tumor-reactive CD8 T-Cell Exhaustion
07.11.2024 Prof.  Anja Lührmann You are what you eat: How the microenvironment influences the obligate intracellular pathogen Coxiella burnetii
09.10.2024 Prof. Rainer Ulrich Increasing preparedness by networking: 20-year network “Rodent-borne pathogens"
26.09.2024 Prof. Stacey Gilk Membrane Contact Sites: Fine-tuning cholesterol in the bacterial intracellular niche
19.09.2024 Prof. Dr. Bernoît Marteyn Shigella-neutrophil-O2 : an host-pathogen interaction tale
12.09.2024 Prof. Thomas Kufer Novel functions of non-inflammasome NLRs
27.07.2024 Prof. Christian Keller Illuminating niches: Insights into immunity against the neglected tropical pathogen Orientia tsutsugamushi
18.07.2024 Prof. Manfred Lutz GM-CSF injection prevents autoimmunity in mice by generation of myeloid-derived suppressor cells through epigenetic imprinting of hematopoietic stem cells
21.03.2024 Dr. Tobias Dallenga Neutrophil cell death as target for host-directed therapies in M. tuberculosis infection
29.02.2024 Prof. Anja Wege Tumorspezifische Immunisierung durch neoadjuvante Bestrahlung in der Humanisierten Tumormaus (HTM) - Der Schlüssel für erfolgreiche Checkpoint Therapien für Brustkrebs?
01.02.2024 Prof. Dr. Martijn Riool Novel synthetic antimicrobial peptides to prevent biomaterial-associated infections
18.01.2024 Dr. Ramona Gerner New insights on mucosal immunity and Enterobacteriaceae
19.10.2023 Prof. Dr. Stefan Reber Promotion of stress resilience by rapidly growing mycobacteria (RGMs): focus on Mycobacterium vaccae
27.07.2023 PD Dr. Tobias Schwerd Diet and gut microbiota in pediatric Crohn's disease
13.07.2023 Stefan Hansch Nationales Pandemie Kohorten Netz (NAPKON): Standort Regensburg
06.07.2023 Prof. Dietmar Zaiß Linkage between local inflammation and TGFβ activity as an orchestrator of tissue homeostasis
29.06.2023 Prof. Dr. Daniela Hirsch Colorectal cancer:
clonal dynamics of malignant progression and treatment resistance evolution
22.06.2023 PD Dr. Markus Reichold CCLN7: WTH does it do
15.06.2023 Prof. Dr. Silke Härteis Translationale Nieren- und Tumorforschung: From bench to bedside and from bedside to bench
25.05.2023 Prof. Dr. Miriam Breunig Nanoparticles as platform for the development of vaccines
10.05.2023 PD Dr. Monika Redlberger-Fritz Surveillance of Influenzaviruses based on a Sentinel System
27.02.2020 Dr. Roman Gerlach O2-dependent incapacitation of HilE by a novel regulator of Salmonella Pathogenicity Island 1
14.02.2020 Prof. Michael Rehli Transcription control in macrophages - the “pioneering" role of PU.1
13.12.2019 Dr. Gurumoorthy Krishnamoorthy The Gut-Brain Axis in Multiple Sclerosis
06.12.2019 Dr. Christoph Stein-Toeringer Diet – Enterococcus interaction to modulate the outcome of allogeneic hematopoietic cell transplantation in hematologic malignancies
21.11.2019 Prof. Dominik Müller Your microbes care about your salt intake
14.11.2019 Dr. Anika Grüneboom Mesoscopic and microscopic imaging of immunovascular processes
07.11.2019 Prof. Päivi Tammelar New tools and approaches for confronting the challenge of antimicrobial resistance
24.10.2019 Dr. Benedikt Asbach Results of the phase 1b trial HVTN 096 evaluating a DNA/NYVAC/protein-based HIV vaccine regimen
10.10.2019 Prof. Puchhammer-Stöckl Torque Teno Virus and Measurement of Immunosuppression
09.10.2019 Dr. Noam Stern-Ginossar HCMV Latent Infection-Lessons from Single Cell Analyses
12.09.2019 Prof. Janne Jänis High-resolution mass spectrometry as a versatile tool for stuctural and clinical proteomics
05.09.2019 Dr. Sonja Stadler Interaction with adipose tissue alters breast cancer aggressiveness
02.09.2019 Prof. Jens Titze Hepatorenal regulation of salt and water metabolism
29.08.2019 Prof. Florian Klein Antibody-mediated therapy approaches in HIV-1 infection
16.08.2019 Prof. Shao Yiming From design to clinical trial of HIV vaccine based on replicating viral vector
08.08.2019 Dr. Maria Mycielska Extracellular citrate in cancer progression
04.07.2019 Dr. Klaus Stark Genetische Ursachen der altersbedingten Makula-Degeneration
27.06.2019 Prof. Volker Alt Chirurgisches Management von Implantat-assoziierten Infektionen in Unfallchirurgie und Orthopädie
13.06.2019 Prof. Johannes Hübner Enterococcus: The good, the bad, the ugly
02.05.2019 Prof. Arne Skerra Advanced Protein Design Concepts for Biopharmaceutical Drug Discovery and Development: Anticalins & PASylation
14.03.2019 Prof. Kirsten Jung Synthetic approaches of translational control
14.02.2019 Prof. Susanne Bailer Curse or Blessing? From basic research to therapeutic application of Herpes simplex virus type 1
31.01.2019 Prof. Dorothee v. Laer Oncolytic Rhabdo Virus
24.01.2019 Prof. Jutta Eichler Exploring the Mechanism of HIV‐1 Neutralization by Peptides Derived from Human Pegivirus I
17.01.2019 Prof. Lars Dölken RNA biology of herpesvirus-host interaction
06.12.2018 Dr. Markus Biburger The Good, the Bad and the Ugly - Myeloid cells and their immune-effector functions
15.11.2018 Prof. Gerhard Krönke Regulatory checkpoints controlling the transition between autoimmunity and inflammation
18.10.2018 Prof. Sven Panke Between Design and Evolution – From Novel Chemistry to Novel Bioprocesses
11.10.2018 Dr. Stefan Seitz The emperor’s new clothes – How hepatitis B viruses became enveloped
27.09.2018 Dr. Martin Kriegel Gut Commensal Translocation in Autoimmunity
20.09.2018 Prof. Klaus Osterrieder Exonuclease Activity and Virus Evolution: Curse or Blessing?
06.09.2018 Dr. Michael Hannus Specificity and Robustness from Diversity: Complex siRNA Pools in Target Discovery and Validation
05.09.2018 Prof. Claudia Traidl-Hoffmann Der Tsunami Umwelterkrankungen – aufzuhalten??
19.07.2018 Prof. Dirk Bumann  Knowing the Enemy: Bacterial Pathogen Physiology in Human Patients
12.07.2018 Prof. Lars Nitschke  Siglecs: Inhibitory receptors on B cells and pDCs that prevent autoimmunity
05.07.2018 Prof. Matthias Tenbusch  Gene-based vaccines against viral respiratory tract infections
28.06.2018 Prof. Hendrik Dietz  Biomolecular Design with DNA - constructing macromolecular structures from first principles
14.06.2018 Prof. Andreas Müller In vivo biosensors for functional analysis of host-pathogen interaction dynamics
17.05.2018 Prof. Alexander Dalpke Recognition of bacterial RNA by the innate immune system
03.05.2018 Dr. Janine Kimpel The Viral Vector Vaccine VSV-GP as Vaccine Platform
19.04.2018 Prof. Bart Everts Metabolic control of dendritic cell-driven immune polarization
12.04.2018 Prof. Roman Jerala Designable modules in synthetic biology for the design of gene circuits to protein origami nanostructures
05.04.2018 Prof. Kai Hildner T helper cells in the pathogenesis of intestinal inflammation- something new?
29.03.2018 Prof. Thomas Mertens Polyoeradikation - Fakt oder Fiktion
22.03.2018 Dr. Tiffany Weinkopff The Role of vascular Remodeling during Leishmania Infection
08.03.2018 Prof. Reimar Johne Foodborne transmission of hepatitis E virus in Germany
15.02.2018 Dr. Thomas Kammertöns Tumor Ischemia by Interferon gamma
25.01.2018 Dr. Ulrich Rant Biophysical Analysis of Molecular Interactions with Electro-switchable Biosurfaces
18.01.2018 Dr. Menna Clatworthy Extreme Living - kidney mononuclear phagocytes
07.12.2017 Prof. Markus Feuerer Specialization of immune cells in tissues
02.11.2017 Dr. Michael Boeckh CMV viral load and T cell function monitoring after allogeneic HCT: at the crossroads of current and novel surveillance
26.10.2017 Dr. Ian Gentle Regulation of autophagy by Inhibitor of Apoptosis Proteins
19.10.2017 Prof. Dr. Thomas Dobner Intrinsic immune mechanisms restricting adenovirus infections
11.09.2017 Dr. Andrea Marzi Hemorrhagic Fever Viruses & Vaccines
20.07.2017 Prof. Christof Kuhbander Der Aufbau und die Veränderung von Verhaltensgewohnheiten
13.07.2017 Dr. Benjamin Mordmüller Malaria Vaccines: Zurück in die Zukunft – Die Entwicklung eines wirksamen Malariaimpfstoffes
29.06.2017 Prof. Herbert Schwarz CD137L signaling induces differentiation of human monocytes to inflammatory dendritic cells which potently drive cellular immune responses
22.06.2017 Dr. Sven Schimanski Erfahrungen mit EUCAST
01.06.2017 Prof. Sören Gatermann Multiresistente gramnegative Bakterien: Probleme in Diagnostik und Therapie
11.05.2017 Dr. Paolo Ceppi Metabolic pathways as regulators of epithelial-to-mesenchymal transition
04.05.2017 Dr. Jens Werner Predicting outcome of DAA therapy in chronic HCV patients
06.04.2017 Prof. Aline Bozec Hypoxia-inducible factors (HIFs) in B lymphocytes development and inflammatory autoimmune diseases
30.03.2017 Dr. Nicolas Gisch Impact of teichoic acids on bacterial virulence and immune stimulation
23.03.2017 Prof. Mathias Hornef Ontogeny of the intestinal mucosal host response to infection
09.03.2017 Dr. Martin Obermeier HIV-Resistenztestung mittels NGS in der klinischen Routine
23.02.2017 Prof. Markus Morrison Cell death signalling – mechanistic insight and translational applications
09.02.2017 Prof. Sebastian Zeißig Microbial control of intestinal tumor development
19.01.2017 Dr. Simone Thomas HLA-DP spezifische T-Zell-Immuntherapie
22.12.2016 Dr. Philipp E. Merkl Defining the Role of IFI16 in restriction and innate sensing of Herpes Simplex virus DNA
15.12.2016 Dr. Jürgen Held (1-3)-b-D-Glucan: ein fungaler Biomarker mit Potenzial und Fallstricken
08.12.2016 PD Dr. Gudrun Herzer Food hygiene and nest desinfection in two solitary wasps
01.12.2016 Dr. Zeinab Abdullah When the good guys go wrong: gut microbiota hampers anti-bacterial immunity during chronic liver inflammation
24.11.2016 PD Dr. Bernd Schröder SPPL intramembrane proteases-how they control immune cell development and function
10.11.2016 PD Dr. Philipp Jost The contribution of cell death and inflammation to hematopoietic malignancies
03.11.2016 Prof. Dieter Adam TNF, TRAIL and ceramide as regulators of cell death and cell biology
27.10.2016 Prof. Axel Roers Aberrant activation of cytosolic nucleic acid sensing as a trigger for systemic autoimmunity
27.10.2016 Prof. Jonathan Heeney Understanding RNA virus persistence: Noroviruses and Interferons
15.09.2016 Prof. Ulf Dittmer The role of regulatory T cells in retroviral infections
05.09.2016 Prof. Ferric C. Fang Salmonella Pathogenesis - a bug's life
21.07.2016 Prof. Roland Rad CRISPR and Transposon-based approaches for high-throughput functional cancer genomics in mice
14.07.2016 PD Dr. Anja Lührmann The battle between Coxiella burnettii an its host cells
07.07.2016 Prof. Gerd Sutter Viral vector vaccines against emerging zoonotic infections: from animal models to clinical evaluation
30.06.2016 Prof. Roland Lang Macrophage reprogramming by the mycobacterial cord factor: Mincle and beyond
23.06.2016 Prof. Klaus Überla Optimizing the HIV envelope specific antibody response by intrastructural help
16.06.2016 Prof. Hendrik Streeck T follicular helper cells in chronic HIV infection09.06.
09.06.2016 Prof. Anja Ehrhardt An engineered natural adenovirus-library as a novel resource for broad applications in molecular medicine
19.05.2016 PD Dr. Hans Helmut Niller Aktuelles aus der Infektionsdiagostik- Update Zikavirus
12.05.2016 Prof. Stefan Pöhlmann Host cell interactions of influenza- and Ebola- viruses
21.04.2016 Dr. Moritz Ries Phenotype and function of KIR positive NK-cell subsets in SIV infected Rhesus macaques
20.04.2016 Dr. Kathrin Szabo Entwicklung von sensitiven Nachweisverfahren für Hep-E Viren in Rohwurstprodukten und Leberwurst
14.04.2016 Prof. Max Waldner Hypoia-dependent signaling pathways in colitis-associated cancer
05.04.2016 Dr. David Dreyfus Gene-sharing between Epstein-Barr Virus and the human genome
17.03.2016 Prof. J. Hauber Towards HIV Eradication: Provirus Excision by Engineered Recombinases
03.03.2016 Dr. Renate König HIV-1, innate sensing and restrictions
18.02.2016 PD Dr. Ludwig Deml Novel T cell-based diagnostic strategies in the fields of infectious diseases and transplantation medicine