donnerstags, 16.15 Uhr, Seminarraum Mikrobiologie, Universitätsklinikum Bauteil D2 2.OG
17.07.2025 | Dr. Hannes Vietzen | tba |
15.05.2025 | Prof. Markus Meissner | In Search of the Achilles Heel of Apicomplexan Parasites: Experimental Parasitology at LMU |
10.04.2025 | Prof. Josef Ecker | tba |
20.03.2025 | Prof. Uwe Ritter | Exploring Tissue Regeneration Processes through Advanced Imaging Technologies |
13.03.2025 | Prof. Bernd Lepenies | C-type lectin receptors as targets for immune modulation during infections |
27.02.2025 | Dr. Mahesh Desai | Leveraging diet to engineer the gut microbiome: from mechanisms to translation |
11.02.2025 | Dr. Annika Claßen | Viruses – our allies? Bacteriophage therapy in the 21st Century |
14.11.2024 | PD Dr. Christian Bauer | IL-18 Receptor Signaling segulates tumor-reactive CD8 T-Cell Exhaustion |
07.11.2024 | Prof. Anja Lührmann | You are what you eat: How the microenvironment influences the obligate intracellular pathogen Coxiella burnetii |
09.10.2024 | Prof. Rainer Ulrich | Increasing preparedness by networking: 20-year network “Rodent-borne pathogens" |
26.09.2024 | Prof. Stacey Gilk | Membrane Contact Sites: Fine-tuning cholesterol in the bacterial intracellular niche |
19.09.2024 | Prof. Dr. Bernoît Marteyn | Shigella-neutrophil-O2 : an host-pathogen interaction tale |
12.09.2024 | Prof. Thomas Kufer | Novel functions of non-inflammasome NLRs |
27.07.2024 | Prof. Christian Keller | Illuminating niches: Insights into immunity against the neglected tropical pathogen Orientia tsutsugamushi |
18.07.2024 | Prof. Manfred Lutz | GM-CSF injection prevents autoimmunity in mice by generation of myeloid-derived suppressor cells through epigenetic imprinting of hematopoietic stem cells |
21.03.2024 | Dr. Tobias Dallenga | Neutrophil cell death as target for host-directed therapies in M. tuberculosis infection |
29.02.2024 | Prof. Anja Wege | Tumorspezifische Immunisierung durch neoadjuvante Bestrahlung in der Humanisierten Tumormaus (HTM) - Der Schlüssel für erfolgreiche Checkpoint Therapien für Brustkrebs? |
01.02.2024 | Prof. Dr. Martijn Riool | Novel synthetic antimicrobial peptides to prevent biomaterial-associated infections |
18.01.2024 | Dr. Ramona Gerner | New insights on mucosal immunity and Enterobacteriaceae |
19.10.2023 | Prof. Dr. Stefan Reber | Promotion of stress resilience by rapidly growing mycobacteria (RGMs): focus on Mycobacterium vaccae |
27.07.2023 | PD Dr. Tobias Schwerd | Diet and gut microbiota in pediatric Crohn's disease |
13.07.2023 | Stefan Hansch | Nationales Pandemie Kohorten Netz (NAPKON): Standort Regensburg |
06.07.2023 | Prof. Dietmar Zaiß | Linkage between local inflammation and TGFβ activity as an orchestrator of tissue homeostasis |
29.06.2023 | Prof. Dr. Daniela Hirsch | Colorectal cancer: clonal dynamics of malignant progression and treatment resistance evolution |
22.06.2023 | PD Dr. Markus Reichold | CCLN7: WTH does it do |
15.06.2023 | Prof. Dr. Silke Härteis | Translationale Nieren- und Tumorforschung: From bench to bedside and from bedside to bench |
25.05.2023 | Prof. Dr. Miriam Breunig | Nanoparticles as platform for the development of vaccines |
10.05.2023 | PD Dr. Monika Redlberger-Fritz | Surveillance of Influenzaviruses based on a Sentinel System |
27.02.2020 | Dr. Roman Gerlach | O2-dependent incapacitation of HilE by a novel regulator of Salmonella Pathogenicity Island 1 |
14.02.2020 | Prof. Michael Rehli | Transcription control in macrophages - the “pioneering" role of PU.1 |
13.12.2019 | Dr. Gurumoorthy Krishnamoorthy | The Gut-Brain Axis in Multiple Sclerosis |
06.12.2019 | Dr. Christoph Stein-Toeringer | Diet – Enterococcus interaction to modulate the outcome of allogeneic hematopoietic cell transplantation in hematologic malignancies |
21.11.2019 | Prof. Dominik Müller | Your microbes care about your salt intake |
14.11.2019 | Dr. Anika Grüneboom | Mesoscopic and microscopic imaging of immunovascular processes |
07.11.2019 | Prof. Päivi Tammelar | New tools and approaches for confronting the challenge of antimicrobial resistance |
24.10.2019 | Dr. Benedikt Asbach | Results of the phase 1b trial HVTN 096 evaluating a DNA/NYVAC/protein-based HIV vaccine regimen |
10.10.2019 | Prof. Puchhammer-Stöckl | Torque Teno Virus and Measurement of Immunosuppression |
09.10.2019 | Dr. Noam Stern-Ginossar | HCMV Latent Infection-Lessons from Single Cell Analyses |
12.09.2019 | Prof. Janne Jänis | High-resolution mass spectrometry as a versatile tool for stuctural and clinical proteomics |
05.09.2019 | Dr. Sonja Stadler | Interaction with adipose tissue alters breast cancer aggressiveness |
02.09.2019 | Prof. Jens Titze | Hepatorenal regulation of salt and water metabolism |
29.08.2019 | Prof. Florian Klein | Antibody-mediated therapy approaches in HIV-1 infection |
16.08.2019 | Prof. Shao Yiming | From design to clinical trial of HIV vaccine based on replicating viral vector |
08.08.2019 | Dr. Maria Mycielska | Extracellular citrate in cancer progression |
04.07.2019 | Dr. Klaus Stark | Genetische Ursachen der altersbedingten Makula-Degeneration |
27.06.2019 | Prof. Volker Alt | Chirurgisches Management von Implantat-assoziierten Infektionen in Unfallchirurgie und Orthopädie |
13.06.2019 | Prof. Johannes Hübner | Enterococcus: The good, the bad, the ugly |
02.05.2019 | Prof. Arne Skerra | Advanced Protein Design Concepts for Biopharmaceutical Drug Discovery and Development: Anticalins & PASylation |
14.03.2019 | Prof. Kirsten Jung | Synthetic approaches of translational control |
14.02.2019 | Prof. Susanne Bailer | Curse or Blessing? From basic research to therapeutic application of Herpes simplex virus type 1 |
31.01.2019 | Prof. Dorothee v. Laer | Oncolytic Rhabdo Virus |
24.01.2019 | Prof. Jutta Eichler | Exploring the Mechanism of HIV‐1 Neutralization by Peptides Derived from Human Pegivirus I |
17.01.2019 | Prof. Lars Dölken | RNA biology of herpesvirus-host interaction |
06.12.2018 | Dr. Markus Biburger | The Good, the Bad and the Ugly - Myeloid cells and their immune-effector functions |
15.11.2018 | Prof. Gerhard Krönke | Regulatory checkpoints controlling the transition between autoimmunity and inflammation |
18.10.2018 | Prof. Sven Panke | Between Design and Evolution – From Novel Chemistry to Novel Bioprocesses |
11.10.2018 | Dr. Stefan Seitz | The emperor’s new clothes – How hepatitis B viruses became enveloped |
27.09.2018 | Dr. Martin Kriegel | Gut Commensal Translocation in Autoimmunity |
20.09.2018 | Prof. Klaus Osterrieder | Exonuclease Activity and Virus Evolution: Curse or Blessing? |
06.09.2018 | Dr. Michael Hannus | Specificity and Robustness from Diversity: Complex siRNA Pools in Target Discovery and Validation |
05.09.2018 | Prof. Claudia Traidl-Hoffmann | Der Tsunami Umwelterkrankungen – aufzuhalten?? |
19.07.2018 | Prof. Dirk Bumann | Knowing the Enemy: Bacterial Pathogen Physiology in Human Patients |
12.07.2018 | Prof. Lars Nitschke | Siglecs: Inhibitory receptors on B cells and pDCs that prevent autoimmunity |
05.07.2018 | Prof. Matthias Tenbusch | Gene-based vaccines against viral respiratory tract infections |
28.06.2018 | Prof. Hendrik Dietz | Biomolecular Design with DNA - constructing macromolecular structures from first principles |
14.06.2018 | Prof. Andreas Müller | In vivo biosensors for functional analysis of host-pathogen interaction dynamics |
17.05.2018 | Prof. Alexander Dalpke | Recognition of bacterial RNA by the innate immune system |
03.05.2018 | Dr. Janine Kimpel | The Viral Vector Vaccine VSV-GP as Vaccine Platform |
19.04.2018 | Prof. Bart Everts | Metabolic control of dendritic cell-driven immune polarization |
12.04.2018 | Prof. Roman Jerala | Designable modules in synthetic biology for the design of gene circuits to protein origami nanostructures |
05.04.2018 | Prof. Kai Hildner | T helper cells in the pathogenesis of intestinal inflammation- something new? |
29.03.2018 | Prof. Thomas Mertens | Polyoeradikation - Fakt oder Fiktion |
22.03.2018 | Dr. Tiffany Weinkopff | The Role of vascular Remodeling during Leishmania Infection |
08.03.2018 | Prof. Reimar Johne | Foodborne transmission of hepatitis E virus in Germany |
15.02.2018 | Dr. Thomas Kammertöns | Tumor Ischemia by Interferon gamma |
25.01.2018 | Dr. Ulrich Rant | Biophysical Analysis of Molecular Interactions with Electro-switchable Biosurfaces |
18.01.2018 | Dr. Menna Clatworthy | Extreme Living - kidney mononuclear phagocytes |
07.12.2017 | Prof. Markus Feuerer | Specialization of immune cells in tissues |
02.11.2017 | Dr. Michael Boeckh | CMV viral load and T cell function monitoring after allogeneic HCT: at the crossroads of current and novel surveillance |
26.10.2017 | Dr. Ian Gentle | Regulation of autophagy by Inhibitor of Apoptosis Proteins |
19.10.2017 | Prof. Dr. Thomas Dobner | Intrinsic immune mechanisms restricting adenovirus infections |
11.09.2017 | Dr. Andrea Marzi | Hemorrhagic Fever Viruses & Vaccines |
20.07.2017 | Prof. Christof Kuhbander | Der Aufbau und die Veränderung von Verhaltensgewohnheiten |
13.07.2017 | Dr. Benjamin Mordmüller | Malaria Vaccines: Zurück in die Zukunft – Die Entwicklung eines wirksamen Malariaimpfstoffes |
29.06.2017 | Prof. Herbert Schwarz | CD137L signaling induces differentiation of human monocytes to inflammatory dendritic cells which potently drive cellular immune responses |
22.06.2017 | Dr. Sven Schimanski | Erfahrungen mit EUCAST |
01.06.2017 | Prof. Sören Gatermann | Multiresistente gramnegative Bakterien: Probleme in Diagnostik und Therapie |
11.05.2017 | Dr. Paolo Ceppi | Metabolic pathways as regulators of epithelial-to-mesenchymal transition |
04.05.2017 | Dr. Jens Werner | Predicting outcome of DAA therapy in chronic HCV patients |
06.04.2017 | Prof. Aline Bozec | Hypoxia-inducible factors (HIFs) in B lymphocytes development and inflammatory autoimmune diseases |
30.03.2017 | Dr. Nicolas Gisch | Impact of teichoic acids on bacterial virulence and immune stimulation |
23.03.2017 | Prof. Mathias Hornef | Ontogeny of the intestinal mucosal host response to infection |
09.03.2017 | Dr. Martin Obermeier | HIV-Resistenztestung mittels NGS in der klinischen Routine |
23.02.2017 | Prof. Markus Morrison | Cell death signalling – mechanistic insight and translational applications |
09.02.2017 | Prof. Sebastian Zeißig | Microbial control of intestinal tumor development |
19.01.2017 | Dr. Simone Thomas | HLA-DP spezifische T-Zell-Immuntherapie |
22.12.2016 | Dr. Philipp E. Merkl | Defining the Role of IFI16 in restriction and innate sensing of Herpes Simplex virus DNA |
15.12.2016 | Dr. Jürgen Held | (1-3)-b-D-Glucan: ein fungaler Biomarker mit Potenzial und Fallstricken |
08.12.2016 | PD Dr. Gudrun Herzer | Food hygiene and nest desinfection in two solitary wasps |
01.12.2016 | Dr. Zeinab Abdullah | When the good guys go wrong: gut microbiota hampers anti-bacterial immunity during chronic liver inflammation |
24.11.2016 | PD Dr. Bernd Schröder | SPPL intramembrane proteases-how they control immune cell development and function |
10.11.2016 | PD Dr. Philipp Jost | The contribution of cell death and inflammation to hematopoietic malignancies |
03.11.2016 | Prof. Dieter Adam | TNF, TRAIL and ceramide as regulators of cell death and cell biology |
27.10.2016 | Prof. Axel Roers | Aberrant activation of cytosolic nucleic acid sensing as a trigger for systemic autoimmunity |
27.10.2016 | Prof. Jonathan Heeney | Understanding RNA virus persistence: Noroviruses and Interferons |
15.09.2016 | Prof. Ulf Dittmer | The role of regulatory T cells in retroviral infections |
05.09.2016 | Prof. Ferric C. Fang | Salmonella Pathogenesis - a bug's life |
21.07.2016 | Prof. Roland Rad | CRISPR and Transposon-based approaches for high-throughput functional cancer genomics in mice |
14.07.2016 | PD Dr. Anja Lührmann | The battle between Coxiella burnettii an its host cells |
07.07.2016 | Prof. Gerd Sutter | Viral vector vaccines against emerging zoonotic infections: from animal models to clinical evaluation |
30.06.2016 | Prof. Roland Lang | Macrophage reprogramming by the mycobacterial cord factor: Mincle and beyond |
23.06.2016 | Prof. Klaus Überla | Optimizing the HIV envelope specific antibody response by intrastructural help |
16.06.2016 | Prof. Hendrik Streeck | T follicular helper cells in chronic HIV infection09.06. |
09.06.2016 | Prof. Anja Ehrhardt | An engineered natural adenovirus-library as a novel resource for broad applications in molecular medicine |
19.05.2016 | PD Dr. Hans Helmut Niller | Aktuelles aus der Infektionsdiagostik- Update Zikavirus |
12.05.2016 | Prof. Stefan Pöhlmann | Host cell interactions of influenza- and Ebola- viruses |
21.04.2016 | Dr. Moritz Ries | Phenotype and function of KIR positive NK-cell subsets in SIV infected Rhesus macaques |
20.04.2016 | Dr. Kathrin Szabo | Entwicklung von sensitiven Nachweisverfahren für Hep-E Viren in Rohwurstprodukten und Leberwurst |
14.04.2016 | Prof. Max Waldner | Hypoia-dependent signaling pathways in colitis-associated cancer |
05.04.2016 | Dr. David Dreyfus | Gene-sharing between Epstein-Barr Virus and the human genome |
17.03.2016 | Prof. J. Hauber | Towards HIV Eradication: Provirus Excision by Engineered Recombinases |
03.03.2016 | Dr. Renate König | HIV-1, innate sensing and restrictions |
18.02.2016 | PD Dr. Ludwig Deml | Novel T cell-based diagnostic strategies in the fields of infectious diseases and transplantation medicine |